A federal judge has‍ issued a stern warning⁢ to former President Donald⁢ Trump regarding his repeated⁣ violations of ‌a gag order in a high-profile court ⁤case.⁤ The judge ⁣made ⁤it ‌clear ‌that if Trump‍ continues to defy the ⁢gag order, he⁢ could ⁢face serious consequences, including potential ‌jail time.

The judge emphasized the‌ importance of respecting the legal process‌ and upholding the integrity of‌ the court. ​Trump was warned that his actions have consequences and that ‌he must adhere to the⁤ rules set forth by‍ the court. Failure to comply with the⁢ gag order ⁣could‍ result in severe penalties, and the⁤ judge made it⁢ clear that he​ is not afraid to ⁢enforce ⁤them.